May 26, 2009

Celebrity Party ~

I would like to invite my favourite actor-Colin Firth, the most handsome actor-Brad Pitt, pretty Great Brtain Princess-Diana, the greatest international Chinese martial arts actor-Bruce Lee and the best Chinese basketball player in U. S. A.-Yao Ming to my celebrity party.

First, I chose Colin sits next to me, of course he is my favourite. Princess Diana sits at Colin's right side, as both Colin and Diana are British. Brad who sits oppsit to Colin, because they are actors, it is easy to have a talk with each other. Bruce Lee sits next to Brad, Bruce is an actor as well, he can chat with Brad with many about actings. Yao Ming who sits between me and Bruce, the reason is that we can communicate in Chinese and both of Bruce and Yao Ming are Chinese.

I would like to ask to all of them which is how they enjoy their careers, how their family and friends support them and whether they have any extra business on their own.

Then I would ask Colin, in his acting with so many roles, which film or classic drama has made him progrese most. Is there any role he has played affect his personal life? A lot or not much? "You are a British, if I want to visit UK, where would you like to recommend and suggest.", I would also ask him.

"You are not coming from a royal family. Could you please tell me how you adapt this kind of life almost without privacy and whether you have got used to it now.", I would like to ask Princess Diana.

I would like to ask Brad that he has played in so many films, whether he has ever considered to play on TV like Colin. And ask him to share interesting experience with us. Bruce has made Chinese martial arts very famous in the world. I would like to know from Bruce that why he can do martial arts so well and whether he was really interested in doing martial arts at the begining.

"Have you ever thought about that you would become a NBA basketball player? I would like to know how you felt when you stepped in USA. How you deal with the different life style. And, who is your favourite basketball player." I would like to ask Yao-Ming these questions.

I would like to ask them the last question which is that whether they have thought about when to retire and why?

May 05, 2009

The actor I like...

A very proud, rich, but gentle, considerate, nice man - Mr. Darcy ~

**Colin Firth**

Birth name : Colin Andrew Firth
Website :
Born :10 September 1960, in Grayshott, Hampshire, England, UK.

Family members : Wife, Livia Giuggioli and 2 sons named Luca Firth (born March 29, 2001, in Rome) and Mateo Firth (born in August 2003).

Awards : 3 BAFTA of Tumbledown (1988) (TV), "Pride and Prejudice" (1995), Shakespeare in Love (1998) }, and 1 Emmy Nominations of Bridget Jones's Diary (2001).

Mini Biography :
He was born in an academic family - his father is a history lecturer and his mother is a comparative religions lecturer at the Open University where Colin Firth's first acting experience came in infant's school. He spent his early childhood in Nigeria, returning to England at age five where he entered a comprehensive school in Winchester. He spent two years at the Drama Centre in Chalk Farm where he was "discovered" while playing "Hamlet" during his final term. His first professional role was as "Bennet" in the West End production of "Another Country". From this performance, he was chosen to play the character of "Judd" in the movie of the play. He went on to play a variety of character parts in both film and television.

Colin Firth used to have a rough career. Finally, after playing the role of Mr D'Arcy, his character in both Pride And Prejudice - a serial in Britain in 1995 and Bridget Jones's Diary, this role which led to Hollywood success as well as giving him scope to pursue his artier projects.

Since I have watched the film "Bridget Jones's Diary", the empression he gave me was that "Waoo, what a nice man~!. If I were his girl, I would have a very pleasant life." I was attracted by Mark Darcy, who is the man every woman wishes to be with, his attitudes, emotions on treating Bridget, also he is so considerate, patient, and has a very successful career. I love the words he said to Bridget that is "I like you very much just as you are" on the scene which Bridget is leaving friend's after having dinner with 5 couples and Mark with his friend.

Colin also went on playing a variety of character parts in film which I have watched, such as Love Actually, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, Nanny McPhee, and others.